Before people start crying "duplicate", I've already examined
The first of these is basically the same question in a different use case and as a result the answers do not address my use case.
So... how do you encode a command line like the following with named parameters separated from their values by a space?
arduino-cli compile --fqbn arduino:avr:nano
Should it look like this (1)?
let cp = child.process(
"--fqbn arduino:avr:nano"
or this (2)?
let cp = child.process(
or this (3)?
let cp = child.process(
or this (4)?
let cp = child.process(
_: ["compile"],
fqbn: "arduino:avr:nano"
TypeScript won't allow the last option even though I suspect it is the right answer, so I submit the problem for wider consideration.
After setting up for repeatable testing
let args: any[] = [];
args.push(["compile", `--fqbn ${selectedBoard.board.fqbn}`]);
args.push(["compile", "--fqbn", selectedBoard.board.fqbn]);
args.push(["compile", "fqbn", selectedBoard.board.fqbn]);
args.push({ _: ["compile"], fqbn: selectedBoard.board.fqbn });
let cp = child_process.spawn(cliPath, args[1], { cwd: getInoPath() });
cp.stdout.on("data", (data: any) => outputChannel.append(data.toString()));
cp.stderr.on("data", (data: any) => outputChannel.append(data.toString()));
cp.on("error", (err: any) => {
I found that @jfriend00 was right, it is indeed the second arguments version
["compile", "--fqbn", selectedBoard.board.fqbn]
but there was another problem causing it to fail – the CWD needed to be set in the options.
let cp = child_process.spawn(cliPath, args[1], { cwd: getInoPath() });
The key insight here is to capture both error events and stderr
. The failure was reported on stderr and no error event was raised. After exposing stderr
the problem was quickly resolved.