I have two sagas, one gets the cities, the other is the weather forecast for these cities (according to ID specialists), how can I make it so that the second saga is processed at the end of the first? method in which a call my sagas:
async componentDidMount() {
//sagas call
await this.props.fetchCities();
await this.fetchForecastsHandler(this.props.userCities);
...some code
fetchForecastsHandler(cities: ICIty[]) {
const ids = cities.map((el) => el.id);
...some code
My index.ts saga
export function* mySaga() {
yield takeEvery(types.FETCH_USERS_CITIES, fetchUserCitiesWorker);
yield takeEvery(types.REMOVE_CITY, removeUserCitiesWorker);
yield takeEvery(types.SEARCH_CITY, searchUserCitiesWorker);
yield takeEvery(types.FETCH_FORECAST, fetchForecastWorker);
yield takeEvery(types.ADD_NOTIFICATION, addNotificationWorker);
yield takeEvery(types.EDIT_NOTIFICATION, editNotificationWorker);
yield takeEvery(types.DELETE_NOTIFICATION, deleteNotificationsWorker);
yield takeEvery(types.FETCH_NOTIFICATION, fetchNotificationsWorker);
**FeychCityWorker saga:**
export function* fetchUserCitiesWorker(callback?:any) {
try {
yield put({ type: types.FETCH_USERS_CITIES_START });
//const user = yield call(Api.fetchUser, action.payload.userId);
yield delay(2000,true)
yield put({ type: types.FETCH_USERS_CITIES_SUCCESS, payload: userCities });
console.log("fetchUserCitiesWorker worked sucess")
} catch (e) {
yield put({ type: types.FETCH_USERS_CITIES_ERROR, error: e.message });
**also storage settings just in case:**
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()
export const store = createStore(
export const action = (type:string) => store.dispatch({type})
You can update your componentDidMount
to call only this.props.fetchCities
. Update your watcher function mySaga
to include
yield takeEvery(
This will make the payload of FETCH_USERS_CITIES_SUCCESS
available in the fetchUserCitiesWorker