Using Hangfire I have jobs (inherited code I need to integrate as is) that require a different user (different permissions) to connect to the DB.
Configured are two connection strings in my web.config.
During startup I use UseSqlServerStorage
to set it to one of the connection strings and that's fine.
Now I cannot figure out how to switch over to the other for a certain job.
I tried to set UseSqlServerStorage
to the other connection string as part of the job (and set it back after the job is complete) but I doesn't switch to the other connection string at all.
I bingoogled it but it doesn't seem to be common practice. Am I overlooking something, should this be done differently altogether?
I basically just want to use a different DB user for different jobs so the existing DB users and their permissions can be used.
The connection string used for Hangfire has nothing to do with the connection string used by your application logic. Just have your application logic read its connection string from a separate location.