In the view table view is defined
class CompletedClassList(SingleTableMixin, FilterView):
table_class = ClassTable
table_class.title='Completed Classes'
filterset_class = ClassFilter
template_name = "classes/class_list.html"
table_pagination = {"per_page": 20}
def get_queryset(self):
today =
completed_classes = Class.objects.filter(class_start_date__lte=today)
return completed_classes
Then in my template I call the table title like this:
<div class="row col=md-12 may-form-space">
<div class="col-md-3 text-md-left">
<label class="may-form-section">{{ table.title }}</label>
I eventually gave up on this issue and instead used
{{ request.resolver_match.url_name }}
in my template instead. Although not an optimal solution it certainly was acceptable for my needs.