I'm trying to search for a substring in a string that may or may not contain html entities such as but even when using html_entity_decode() it still returns false
$str='online shop';
echo html_entity_decode($str);
//outputs: online shop
var_dump(strpos(html_entity_decode($str),'online shop'));
//outputs: bool(false)
!== space (20)
, it actully equals 2 byte NO-BREAK SPACE when decoded C2 A0
U+00A0 | \xc2\xa0 |   | NO-BREAK SPACE
You can test this with:
$str=' ';
Which will yield: string(2) " "
To fix replace the nbsp space with a normal one:
var_dump(strpos(str_replace("\xc2\xa0", ' ', html_entity_decode($str)), 'online shop'));
Result: int(0)