I have a simple case where I must not be using inout correctly.
import Foundation
func test_inout(file_data: inout Array<String>){
let inString = "abc,def,xyz"
let file_data = inString.split { $0 == ","}.map(String.init)
var array: Array = ["initial string"]
test_inout(file_data: &array)
The output is:
["abc", "def", "xyz"]
["initial string"]
The contents of the passed array has changed as seen by the first print but has not changed as seem by the second print. I do have it as a var and used the & in the call.
You are using inout
just fine. The problem is the way you use let
. You are creating another file_data
that overshadows the inout
variable; the inout
itself is never touched, so nothing happens to it.
Solution: In this line:
let file_data = inString.split { $0 == ","}.map(String.init)
...delete let