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angular - reference html of another component from typescript

I am implementing mapQuest into my angular project. The map is working fine and also popups are showing however I have an issue with accessing another component HTML file. I managed to resolve it somewhat but I don't think it the right solution.

On the popup, I want to display another component where I have a table. I also need to provide input.


Parent html:

<div id="map" style="height: -webkit-fill-available; width: -webkit-fill-available;">       

   <app-basicInfo [input]="testInput"></app-basicInfo>  

This app-basicInfo should not be in HTML file. At the moment if I delete this then its the popup is not working.

Parent typescript - problem: here on bindPopup I want to show the child component.

   L.marker([35.7392, -104.9903], {
      icon: L.mapquest.icons.marker(),
      draggable: false
    }).bindPopup(this.child.getHtmlContent()).addTo(; <-- here

My question in general would be how to achieve something like this:

bindPopup( "<app-basicInfo [input]="testInput"></app-basicInfo>" )


<app-table style="width: 100%;" [dataSource]="dataSource" [displayedColumns]="displayedColumns">

Child TS:

  constructor(elRef: ElementRef) {
    this.elRef = elRef;
  getHtmlContent() {
    return this.elRef.nativeElement.innerHTML;

I cannot find an answer and I have read a lot of documentation. I would appreciate even some reference to some file where something like this is resolved.


  • Based on I managed to resolve it.

    First I installed angular/elements.

    Added this to my sharedModule:

    export class SharedModuleModule {
      constructor(private injector: Injector) {
        const PopupElement = createCustomElement(BasicInfoComponent, {injector});
        // Register the custom element with the browser.
        customElements.define('popup-element', PopupElement);

    And implemented the marked calling my basic info component:

    L.marker([35.7392, -104.9903], {
          icon: L.mapquest.icons.marker(),
          draggable: false
        }).addTo( => {
          const popupEl: NgElement & WithProperties<BasicInfoComponent> = document.createElement('popup-element') as any;
          popupEl.addEventListener('closed', () => document.body.removeChild(popupEl));
          return popupEl;