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ReentrantReadWriteLock gets stuck on unlock

I have a class that is used to acquire and release locks for files. I use a customKey class that is just a ReentrantReadWriteLock with an id string (id being the file). For some reason, this only works in some situations, and in most it hangs on unlock of all things - my debugger traces it's use all the way there and then just gets stuck.

What am I doing wrong? I would get if a thread crashed and did not release it's lock but here a thread tries to call unlock and does not go any further.

This is the method for locking:

override fun acquire(lockId: String?, ownerId: String?, sequence: Long): Boolean
    if (lockId != null)
        lockedList.find { customLock -> customLock.Id == lockId }.apply {
            if (this != null) //lock already exists for this ID
                println("Locking file $lockId Existing lock")
                println("Locked file $lockId")
            } else //lock does not exist
                val newLock = CustomLock(lockId)
                println("Locking file $lockId")
                println("Locked file $lockId")
        return true
    } else
        throw InvalidParameterException("ERROR: lockId or ownerId is null!")

This is the method for releasing:

override fun release(lockId: String?, ownerId: String?)
        if (lockId != null)
            lockedList.find { customLock -> customLock.Id == lockId }.apply {
                if (this != null)
                    println("Unlocking file $lockId")
                    if (this.isWriteLocked)
                        throw Exception("ERROR: Unlocking failed!")
                } else
                    throw Exception("ERROR: Lock not found!")

Please do not bother to talk about architecture, this one is dictated by the assignment. Also please ignore the ownerId and sequence variables.

EDIT: I tried using just a single lock and while not very efficient, it did work, so @gidds may be onto something, but neither ConcurrentHashMap nor ConcurrentLinkedQueue (it is simpler to replace a List with) solved the problem.

EDIT2: This is the new class where I used the ConcurrentHashMap. It still does not work correctly, can anyone please point out where I messed up? Thanks

class LockServer(port: Int) : LockConnector, RemoteException()
private val lockedList = ConcurrentHashMap<String, CustomLock>()
private var registry: Registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(port)

    registry.bind(ServiceNames.LockService.toString(), UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(this, port))

 * Method acquire() should block the multiple calls from the clients for each specific lockId string.
 * It means when one client acquires the lock "A" and the "A" is not locked by any other clients,
 * the method should record the lock and return true. If the "A" is already locked by any other client,
 * the method is blocked and continues only after the lock "A" is released.
 * (Note: Return value false is not used in this basic implementation.
 * Parameters ownerId and sequence are also not used in this basic implementation.)
override fun acquire(lockId: String?, ownerId: String?, sequence: Long): Boolean
    if (lockId != null)
        lockedList.computeIfPresent(lockId){id, value ->
            println("Locking file $id Existing lock")
            println("Locked file $id")
            return@computeIfPresent value
            val newLock = CustomLock(it)
            println("Locking file $lockId")
            println("Locked file $lockId")
            return@computeIfAbsent newLock
        return true
    } else
        throw InvalidParameterException("ERROR: lockId or ownerId is null!")

 * Method release() should release the lock and unblock all waiting acquire() calls for the same lock.
 * (Note: Parameter ownerId is not used in this basic implementation.)
override fun release(lockId: String?, ownerId: String?)
    if (lockId != null)
        lockedList.computeIfPresent(lockId){ id, value ->
            println("Unlocking file $id")
            println("Unlocked file $id")
            return@computeIfPresent value

 * Method stop() unbinds the current server object from the RMI registry and unexports it.
override fun stop()


EDIT3: New implementation for acquire:

lockedList.compute(lockId){id, value ->
            if (value == null)
                println("Locking file $id")
                val newLock = CustomLock(id)
                println("Locked file $id")
                return@compute newLock
            println("Locking file $id Existing lock")
            println("Locked file $id")
            return@compute value

and for release:

println("Unlocking $lockId")
        println("Unlocked $lockId")

Still the same failure


  • This may not be the problem of LockServer class, but the ones that are using it:





    And it happened that the execution order was the following:

    thread1.acquire("file2") //locked by thread2, waiting
    thread2.acquire("file1") //locked by thread1... BOOM, deadlock!


    Consider using tryLock() (possibly with some timeout) instead of simple lock() for existing locks:

        fun tryAcquire(lockId: String?, timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): Boolean {
            if (lockId != null) {
                var success = false
                lockedList.compute(lockId) { id, value ->
                    if (value == null) {
                        println("Locking file $id")
                        val newLock = CustomLock(id)
                        success = true
                        println("Locked file $id")
                        return@compute newLock
                    println("Locking file $id Existing lock")
                    val lock = value.writeLock()
                    if (lock.tryLock() || lock.tryLock(timeout, unit)) {
                        success = true
                        println("Locked file $id")
                    return@compute value
                return success
            } else {
                throw InvalidParameterException("ERROR: lockId or ownerId is null!")