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disable function template specialization or overload with constexpr variable

I have in an upstream library a templated function that I want to specialize:

/// glog/logging.h
namespace google {
  template <typename T>
  inline void MakeCheckOpValueString(std::ostream* os, const T& v) {
    (*os) << v;
} // namespace google

I did so by defining in my code

namespace google {
  template <>
  inline void MakeCheckOpValueString<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(std::ostream* os, const Duration& d) {
    (*os) << v.cound();
} // namespace google

I would like to disable this specialization at compile time (i.e. not through preprocessor macros) with something along the lines of

constexpr bool provide_my_specializations = ...;

template <std::enable_if<provide_my_specializations>>
  inline void MakeCheckOpValueString<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(std::ostream* os, const Duration& d)

But I didn't find a way where to put the enable_if into the template specialization. Is it possible to enable/disable a template specialization with sfinae, without modifying the general template?


given the comment, I tried using a function overload, though fail to find the right place for sfinae disabling either

constexpr bool SWITCH = false;

namespace glog {
inline std::enable_if_t<SWITCH, void> MakeCheckOpValueString(std::ostream* os, const Duration& v) {
  (*os) << v.count();

compiler-explorer link


The function that I'm trying to specialize is not used by me, but in the upstream library itself, so I can't call a different (wrapping) object instead as that would require editing the call sites upstream.

(turns out that makes the overloading instead of specialization trickier - while not impossible

// glog/logging.h
namespace google {
template <typename T>
inline void MakeCheckOpValueString(std::ostream* os, const T& v) {
  (*os) << v;
tempate <typename T1, typename T2>
std::string* MakeCheckOpString(const T1& v1, const T2& v2, const char* exprtext) {
  base::CheckOpMessageBuilder comb(exprtext);
  MakeCheckOpValueString(comb.ForVar1(), v1);
  MakeCheckOpValueString(comb.ForVar2(), v2);
  return comb.NewString();

// my code
// non-templated overload of MakeCheckOpValueString needs to go here
#include <glog/logging.h>
// template specialization of MakeCheckOpValueString can go here

code that eventually instantiates MakeCheckOpString comes here


  • std::enable_if_t<false> is invalid (for any specialization).

    To make it SFINAE friendly, you have to make the condition dependent:

    constexpr bool SWITCH = false;
    namespace glog {
    template <bool b = SWITCH>
    std::enable_if_t<b> MakeCheckOpValueString(std::ostream* os, const Duration& v) {
      (*os) << v.count();