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Create polygon from large raster in R

I have a large raster file (5GB) containing only 1's and NA's. I would like to convert this into a multipolygon of the areas with 1's, with adjacent cells dissolved into one polygon.

I have imported the file to R using

r = raster::raster(my_filename)
class      : RasterLayer 
dimensions : 17452, 45000, 785340000  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 0.008, 0.008  (x, y)
extent     : -180, 180, -55.9875, 83.6285  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs        : NA 
source     : C://...binary_X01_januarysnow.asc 
names      : binary_X01_januarysnow 

and I have tried several methods to create the polygon:

  • rasterToPolygons from raster with dissolve==TRUE option (R crashes)
  • isoband from the isoband package (R crashes),

Both of the approaches have worked as expected when I've tried them on a subset of my raster covering appr. the area of Spain, so I assume the problem is only with the size of the data and not my code.

  • Then I have tried to read my raster with read_stars, and use stars::st_as_sf(st, as_points = FALSE, merge = TRUE, connect8 = TRUE). This returned an empty polygon, possibly because the file was read as a stars proxy object, but I'm not sure, I couldn't find any information about that online. Then I have force-read the raster as stars and not as stars proxy by using read_stars(my_filename, proxy=FALSE) and have tried to use the st_as_sf command as above but got the message "Error: cannot allocate vector of size 2.9 Gb"

I know that in the worst case I can probably just decrease the raster resolution and therefore size and will be able to create the polygons I want (but with less precise resolution), but I was wondering if anyone has another suggestion I could try? Both the 1's and NA's are located in large continous areas, so it would be enough to have high resolution on the edges, if that helps.

PS This is my very first question on StackOverflow so I apologize if my problem is not clearly described. I don't know how to provide a reproducible example of a large dataset.


  • What you are looking for is as.polygons() from the terra package, the raster package's successor. terra handles large data sets better than raster does.