I am trying to execute a powershell script during vagrant up privileged and with elevated rights. I am using Vagrant 2.2.10 on an windows machine. The script lies in the same directory like the Vagrantfile. i have managed to get the correct trigger, but wasn't able to execute my powershell script correct with trigger.run.
Here is the relevant part of my Vagrantfile:
ENV['VAGRANT_EXPERIMENTAL'] = "typed_triggers"
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
override.trigger.before :'VagrantPlugins::HyperV::Action::StartInstance', type: :action do |trigger|
trigger.ruby do |env, machine|
machine.ui.info("------------------ Configure Node with Powershell Script -------------------")
trigger.run = {
#privileged: "true"
#powershell_elevated_interactive: "true"
inline: <<-SHELL
echo hhhhhhh > 123.log
Write-Host "test"
trigger.run = { path: './test.ps1'}
trigger.run = { inline: "./test.ps1 -a 'test1' -b 'test2" }
trigger.run = { privileged: "true", powershell_elevated_interactive: "true", path: "powershell test.ps1", args: ["-a test1", "-b test2 "] }
#trigger.run = { privileged: "true", powershell_elevated_interactive: "true", :path => "test.ps1", :args => "testarg1, testarg2"}
machine.ui.info("------------------ Configuration of Node finished -------------------")
In the vagrant.log i couldn't find any specific error that could help:
INFO trigger: Firing trigger for action VagrantPlugins::HyperV::Action::StartInstance on guest server1
INFO interface: info: Running action triggers before VagrantPlugins::HyperV::Action::StartInstance ...
INFO interface: info: ==> server1: Running action triggers before VagrantPlugins::HyperV::Action::StartInstance ...
==> server1: Running action triggers before VagrantPlugins::HyperV::Action::StartInstance ...
DEBUG trigger: Running trigger 69600289-3cee-4dde-a9fa-2ac9bec33409...
INFO interface: info: Running trigger...
INFO interface: info: ==> server1: Running trigger...
==> server1: Running trigger...
INFO interface: info: ------------------ Configure Node with Powershell Script -------------------
INFO interface: info: ==> server1: ------------------ Configure Node with Powershell Script -------------------
==> server1: ------------------ Configure Node with Powershell Script -------------------
DEBUG provisioner: Provisioner defined:
INFO interface: info: ------------------ Configuration of Node finished -------------------
INFO interface: info: ==> server1: ------------------ Configuration of Node finished -------------------
==> server1: ------------------ Configuration of Node finished -------------------
None of the above trigger.runs worked. Hopefully anybody of you know how to fix this !!
How can i get this work ?
I found a solution. I use it to overcome the limitations of vagrant and add an additional network card to a different second public switch. You can use it to execute any powershell script:
ENV['VAGRANT_EXPERIMENTAL'] = "typed_triggers"
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# Set ImageName
config.vm.box = "REPO/YOURIMAGE"
config.vm.box_version ="YOURVERSION"
# Set network to Hyper-V Switch (define an external switch in hyperv and insert here)
config.vm.network "public_network", bridge: "WAN - FIRST"
# Add Additional network card and assign a different second public network
#config.vm.network "public_network", bridge: "WAN - SECOND"
# WORKAROUND for all LIMITATIONS OF VAGRANT (execute a powershell script to handle hyper-v actions before startup of instance)
# will be executed before the hyper-Instance will be started
secSwitch ='WAN - SECOND'
config.vm.provider :hyperv do |vb, override|
# Set vmname
vb.vmname = "testmachine"
# Execute a powershell script elevated and privileged (!!)
override.trigger.before :'VagrantPlugins::HyperV::Action::StartInstance', type: :action do |trigger|
trigger.run = { inline: "./hyperv-config-node.ps1 -VmName testmachine -SwitchName \"'#{secSwitch}'\" " }
and the powershell scripts hyperv-config-node.ps1 looks like this:
param (
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
[parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
try {
Write-Host "------------------ Configure Node with Powershell Script : $VmName -------------------"
Write-Host "VM-Machine: $VmName"
Write-Host "Add Switch: $SwitchName"
$currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
Write-Host "IsAdmin: " $currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
$vm = Hyper-V\Get-VM -Name $VmName -ErrorAction "stop"
Hyper-V\Add-VMNetworkAdapter $vm -Switch $SwitchName
Write-Host "------------------ Configuration of Node finished -------------------"
catch {
Write-Host "Failed to set VM's Second Nic: $_"