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How to make a finagle client automatic try to reconnect if the server goes down?

I'm testing finagle and got over the current situation:


import com.twitter.finagle.{Http, Service}
import com.twitter.finagle.http
import com.twitter.util.{Await, Future}

class Server(name: String, port: Int) {
  val service = new Service[http.Request, http.Response] {
    def apply(req: http.Request): Future[http.Response] = {
      println(s"Request on server $name")
        http.Response(req.version, http.Status.Ok)

  val server = Http.serve(s":$port", service)

object Server1 extends App {
  val server = new Server("1", 9001).server

object Server2 extends App {
  val server = new Server("2", 9002).server


import com.twitter.finagle.{Http, Service}
import com.twitter.finagle.http
import com.twitter.util.{Await, Future}

object Client extends App {

  val client: Service[http.Request, http.Response] =

  while(true) {
    val request = http.Request(http.Method.Get, "/") = ""
    val response: Future[http.Response] = client(request)

Finagle version:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.twitter" %% "finagle-core" % "20.4.1",
  "com.twitter" %% "finagle-http" % "20.4.1",
  "com.twitter" %% "finagle-serversets" % "20.4.1"
  • I start the two servers and then start the client
  • The client sends requests to the server
  • I Kill one of the servers
  • The client dies immediately

I couldn't find a way to make the client not die in this situation and try to reconnect to the server when it is up again


  • Not sure if this exactly meets requirement, going by documentation 2 configurations seems applicable. By adding RetryBudget and FailureAccrualPolicy should make it close to your requirement. Hope following code will provide an idea.

    val budget = RetryBudget(
      ttl = 10.seconds,
      minRetriesPerSec = 5,
      percentCanRetry = 0.1
    val client: Service[http.Request, http.Response] = Http.client
        .withRetryBackoff(Backoff.exponentialJittered(2.seconds, 32.seconds))
        .configured(Param(() => FailureAccrualPolicy.successRate(
          requiredSuccessRate = 0.95,
          window = 100,
          markDeadFor = Backoff.const(10.seconds))))