I'm trying to import amcharts' parts in the vue component like that:
import * as am4core from "@amcharts/amcharts4/core";
import * as am4charts from "@amcharts/amcharts4/charts";
but it breaks styles of the site: final css file contains only /* (ignored) *//* (ignored) *//* (ignored) */
instead of the actual styles. I've found a thread on the github with the same problem, but it was close w/o any resolution.
Could anyone help me to figure out the reason of this behavior and the actual fix?
amcharts: 4.10.5; Webpack: 4.43.0
So, I've found a solution for this.
You need to remove those generated files (if they were created):
Add this to the webpack configuration (for laravel-mix add this inside the mix.webpackConfig({...})
externals: function (context, request, callback) {
if (/xlsx|canvg|pdfmake/.test(request)) {
return callback(null, "commonjs " + request);
More details are here.