I've my list, which I'm getting from the json. So, I want to pass that list through shared preference. But, when I try to use setStringList of shared preference, I'm facing an exception.
type 'List<ApprovalStatus>' is not a subtype of type 'List<String>'
And ApprovalStatus is a class, which is defined as:
class ApprovalStatus {
final items;
final index;
final approvalStatus;
ApprovalStatus({this.items, this.index, this.approvalStatus});
String toString() {
return "${this.approvalStatus}";
Can't we use user defined type List to shared preference/ If not, the how can we store the user defined type list using shared preference?
The error suggests that you are trying to pass List of ApprovalStatus directly to be saved in shared prefs. It expects a List of String.
Try this:
prefs.setStringList(approvalList.map((m) => m.toString()).toList());
Make sure to put some serialization logic in toString so that you can retrieve the data back.
Alternatively, you can directly save the JSON array as a string property in shared prefs.