I have a table in MSSQL 17 like below:
Attribute Value Code
Country Canada AA
Source EFT AA
Manager Ahmad AA
Source EFT BB
Manager Mike BB
Country Brazil CC
Source Cash CC
I need all the codes have the same number of rows, showing the same attributes where the value should be NULL if it does not exist in the table. The output I am looking for:
Attribute Value Code
Country Canada AA
Source EFT AA
Manager Ahmad AA
Country NULL BB
Source EFT BB
Manager Mike BB
Country Brazil CC
Source Cash CC
Manager NULL CC
Can you please help me? Apprecited!
Use a cross join
to generate the rows and then a left join
to bring in the existing values:
select a.attribute, t.value, c.code
from (select distinct code from t) c cross join
(select distinct attribute from t) a left join
on c.code = t.code and a.attribute = t.attribute