I'd like to be able to grab the metadata of the currently playing file in Quicktime X using ScriptingBridge and Ruby, so far I have the following code
require 'osx/cocoa'
OSX.require_framework 'ScriptingBridge'
@app = OSX::SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier("com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX")
@app.documents.each do |movie|
# What now?!
But I can't find any functions in QuickTime X's applescript dictionary to get the metadata from a document
object (the same data you can see in QT's 'Show Movie Inspector' HUD) — does anyone have any ideas?
What about if you download QuickTime Player 7 and use that instead? It wont replace QuickTime Player X and has many features that X does not (although you'll need a pro serial number to access some of the features from the GUI). Apple still make this version available for a good reason!
Alternatively, if you've got as far as writing some Obj-C code, you could go one step further and access the metadata directly, as illustrated here.