I need to use Bing maps API to get co-ordinate data for a list of pincodes (India). I can do this for small datasets with the code:
get_lat_long <- function(pincodes) {
# key: https://www.bingmapsportal.com/Application
require(XML); require(data.table)
PinCodeLatLong <- data.frame(pincode = "Temp", lat = "Lat", long = "Long")
for(i in 1:length(pincodes)){
var = pincodes[i]
#data<- xmlParse(link)
xml_data <- xmlToList(xmlParse(link))
PinCodeLatLongtemp <- data.frame(pincode = "Temp", lat = "Lat", long = "Long")
PinCodeLatLongtemp$pincode <- var
PinCodeLatLongtemp$lat <- xml_data$ResourceSets$ResourceSet$Resources$Location$Point$Latitude
PinCodeLatLongtemp$long <- xml_data$ResourceSets$ResourceSet$Resources$Location$Point$Longitude
PinCodeLatLong <- rbindlist(list(PinCodeLatLongtemp,PinCodeLatLong), fill = T)
master_lat_long <- get_lat_long(pincode_map$Pincode)
master_lat_long <- dplyr::filter(master_lat_long, !is.na(pincode))
master_lat_long <- master_lat_long[!duplicated(master_lat_long),]
pincode_map <- merge(pincode_map, master_lat_long, by.x="Pincode", by.y="pincode", all.y=FALSE)
However, Bing Maps Basic API only allows for 2500 datapoints at a time and I need to do this for a large dataset (100,000+). What would be the best way to partition and apply the formula to the file master_lat_long? Is there a way to do this automatically?
There are various ways you can split the data for every 2500 values.
One way with ceiling
would be :
result <- by(pincode_map$Pincode,
ceiling(seq_len(nrow(pincode_map))/2500), get_lat_long)