In macOS terminal I keep getting the [!] Unable to find source ref ...
error message whenever I try to run pod install
for any Xcode project. I have installed CocoaPods.
Full Error Message Examples:
[!] Unable to find source ref for CLTypingLabel.swift
for target CLTypingLabel
[!] Unable to find source ref for SVIndefiniteAnimatedView.m
for target SVProgressHUD
[!] Unable to find source ref for NSButton+WebCache.m
for target SDWebImage
platform :ios, '13.0'
target 'Myapp iOS13' do
pod 'CLTypingLabel'
I figured out how to get CocoaPods working! It seems there might be an issue installing pods on a secondary macbook account even though the account has full admin privileges. I logged into the primary or initial account created on the macbook, installed CocoaPods and pod install
was able to install dependencies. I will also need to work on my project on the primary account instead.