I dont understand why i got a E902 flake8 Error. The code is as follows:
def mi_func(x):
# Asignar los valores a una lista
lista_massn = x['MASSN'].values.tolist()
lista_flag = x['UFLAG'].values.tolist()
# Obtener los valores unicos
unique_list_massn = unique_values(lista_massn)
unique_list_flag = unique_values(lista_flag
# Reglas de negocio para indicar desviaciones
if (
(len(unique_list_massn) == 1)
& (unique_list_massn[0] == 'XE')
& (max(unique_list_flag) == 0)):
result = True
result = False
return result
I think the problem is in the "if/else" statement. I put the condition in several lines in order to satisfy the numbre of character <80 (flake8 E501). Is there a way to put this "if/else" statement satifaying the both flake8 rules (flake8 E501 and E902)? Thanks in advance!
E902 is a catchall for SyntaxError
s (in this case a TokenError
python or pypy give you a more useful SyntaxError in this case
$ python3 t.py
File "t.py", line 14
& (max(unique_list_flag) == 0)))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
$ pypy3 t.py
File "t.py", line 8
unique_list_flag = unique_values(lista_flag
SyntaxError: parenthesis is never closed
after fixing that the code passes flake8:
$ flake8 t.py
disclaimer: I'm the maintainer of flake8