Scenario: I have a job created in azure batch against a pool. Now, I created another pool and want to point my job to the newly created pool. I use the azure-batch SDK to write the following piece of code
import azure.batch.batch_service_client as batch
batch_service_client = batch.BatchServiceClient(credentials, batch_url = account_url)
pool_info = batch.models.PoolInformation(pool_id=pool_id)
job_patch_param = batch.models.JobPatchParameter(pool_info=pool_info)
batch_service_client.job.patch(job_id, job_patch_param)
This gives me the following error
BatchErrorException Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-104-ada32b24d6a0> in <module>
2 pool_info = batch.models.PoolInformation(pool_id=pool_id)
3 job_patch_param = batch.models.JobPatchParameter(pool_info=pool_info)
----> 4 batch_service_client.job.patch(job_id, job_patch_param)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/azure/batch/operations/ in patch(self, job_id, job_patch_parameter, job_patch_options, custom_headers, raw, **operation_config)
453 if response.status_code not in [200]:
--> 454 raise models.BatchErrorException(self._deserialize, response)
456 if raw:
BatchErrorException: {'additional_properties': {}, 'lang': 'en-US', 'value': 'The specified operation is not valid for the current state of the resource.\nRequestId:46074112-9a99-4569-a078-30a7f4ad2b91\nTime:2020-10-06T17:52:43.6924378Z'}
The credentials are set above and are working properly as I was able to create pool and jobs using the same client.
Environment details
python 3.8.3
Ubuntu 18.04
To assign a Job to another Pool you must call the disableJob API to drain currently running tasks from the Pool. Then you can call updateJob to assign a new poolId to run on. Once it is updated you can then call enableJob to continue the jobs execution.