I wrote the following query in SQLite, which works fine, but have found out the office utilizes SAP ASE (Sybase SQL Server) and it does not display the same result there.
max(dm12_maf_note.maf_note) as Last_Note,
dm12_maf_note.note_dttm as Time_of_Note,
left join
dm12_maf_note on dm04_maf.mcn = dm12_maf_note.mcn
where dm04_maf.ty_maf_cd = 'TD'
group by dm04_maf.mcn
I believe it is not performing group by correctly as it isn't giving me the last note for each mcn (primary key) it is giving me every note for each mcn.
Any guidance for this would be appreciated.
An ANSI compliant group by
query will have all non-aggregate columns (from the select
/projection list) also in the group by
clause. While many RDBMSs will allow non-ANSI compliant group by
queries (like in this question), how each RDBMS chooses to process said non-ANSI compliant group by
query is up for grabs (ie, there is no guarantee of getting the same result across different RDBMSs).
Some assumptions:
'last note'
; for now we'll assume that max(maf_note)
is sufficient to determine the 'last note'
for a given mcn
, buno_serno
, note_dttm
and orignr
) should come from the same row that produces last note
= max(maf_note)`Since SAP (Sybase) ASE does not support windows functions nor ROW_NUMBER()
, one idea would be to use a sub-query to find the 'last note'
and then join this into the main query to pull the rest of the desired values, eg:
select dm1.mcn,
dmn1.note_dttm as Time_of_Note,
from dm04_maf dm1
join dm12_maf_note dmn1
on dm1.mcn = dmn1.mcn
join (select dm2.mcn,
max(dmn2.maf_note) as Last_Note
from dm04_maf dm2
join dm12_maf_note dmn2
on dm2.mcn = dmn2.mcn
where dm2.ty_maf_cd = 'TD'
group by dm2.mcn
) dt
on dm1.mcn = dt.mcn
and dmn1.maf_note = dt.Last_Note
where dm1.ty_maf_cd = 'TD'
dm1.ty_maf_cd = 'TD'
is likely redundant; will leave it up to the OP to decide on whether to keep or remove