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How to get unique values from faker?

I would like to ask how to generate unique value from faker?

I know this is a familiar question actually, you may put some duplicate links e.g. link 1, link 2 but unfortunately, these links does not answer my problem.

Here is my code below. I tried unique(true) but same result.

return [
    'user_id' => $this->faker->unique()->numberBetween(1, 10),
    //more code here

Below is the result that I got. As you can see there are lots of duplicate "5" inserted.

enter image description here


  • The factory is the real issue here not the faker. Calling of factory I mean.

    Let's say you have User and User_Information model for example since you have not mention any models in your question above.

    I assume you call the factory like below in which it creates a model one by one separately up to 10 that makes unique() of faker useless.


    My solution to this problem is to use a loop to make unique() functional.

    $max = 10;
    for($c=1; $c<=$max; $c++) {

    NOTE: $max must not be greater to User::count(), else it will return an OverflowException error.