From the Postman window I am able to write data to a database without issues using the following payload
payload = "{\"Items\": [{\"SystemId\": \"FPC\",\"EngagementId\": \"40211\",\"DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LAT\":\"20.000000\", \"DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LONG\":\"50.000000\"},{\"SystemId\": \"FPC\",\"EngagementId\":\"67039\",\"DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LAT\":\"0.000000\", \"DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LONG\": \"60.000000\"}]}\r\n"
I wish to substitute this with the following string in a python code outside Postman;
p='[{"SystemId": "FPC", "EngagementId": "40211", "DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LAT": "0.000000", "DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LONG": "0.000000"}, {"SystemId": "FPC", "EngagementId": "67039", "DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LAT": "0.000000", "DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LONG": "0.000000"}]'
I do the substitution using the following code;
url = "url"
payload = '"{\"Items\": '+ p + '}"'
headers = {
'Authorization': access_token.split('"')[3],
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data = payload)
prints as
"{"Items": [{"SystemId": "FPC", "EngagementId": "40211", "DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LAT": "0.000000", "DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LONG": "0.000000"}, {"SystemId": "FPC", "EngagementId": "67039", "DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LAT": "0.000000", "DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LONG": "0.000000"}]}"
I get the following error;
b'{"Messages":[{"code":"WEBSVC0020","Message":"The request object could not be parsed. Please check the structure of your request.","NotificationType":"Error","iserror":true}]}'
How can I get this corrected? Or what other options do I have because p is not static and I cant hardcode in the script?
Why not use the json
Try this:
import json
url = "url"
p = '[{"SystemId": "FPC", "EngagementId": "40211", "DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LAT": "0.000000", "DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LONG": "0.000000"}, {"SystemId": "FPC", "EngagementId": "67039", "DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LAT": "0.000000", "DE_LOD_INF_LAND_LONG": "0.000000"}]'
payload = {'Items': json.loads(p)}
headers = {
'Authorization': access_token.split('"')[3],
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload))