I started with Laravel 8 and livewire a few days ago. I still have a lot to discover but I am on my way.
Lastly, I encountered a behaviour I have trouble understanding.
I want to create a page to CRUD posts. What I want is to have a post list that is paginated displayed at the bottom of the page, a button to create a new post and the possibility to click a button on each post line to edit the post. I also want the editor of the post displayed at the top of the page while the list is hidden (but this last possibility is not absolutely necessary).
I could manage to have this working as long as the post list is not paginated but not with pagination.
To do this I use a liveewire component whose code is herebelow:
namespace App\Http\Livewire\Posts;
use App\Models\Post;
use Livewire\Component;
class Posts extends Component
public $posts;
public $links;
public $post_id,$title, $abstract, $body,$category,$diaporama_dir,
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array
public function render()
return view('livewire.posts.posts');
public function donothing(){
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array
public function resetInputFields(){
$this->title = '';
$this->body = '';
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array
public function store()
$validatedData = $this->validate([
'title' => 'required',
'body' => 'required',
session()->flash('message', 'Bravo ! Votre article a été enregistré.');
// $this->resetInputFields(); //user may want to keep the input stable
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array
public function edit($id)
$post = Post::findOrFail($id);
$this->post_id = $id;
$this->title = $post->title;
$this->dispatchBrowserEvent('notify','je passe en mode edit');//to switch browser page to edit mode
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array
public function update()
$validatedData = $this->validate([
'title' => 'required',
'body' => 'required',
$post = Post::find($this->post_id);
'title' => $this->title,
'body'=> $this->body,
'abstract'=> $this->abstract,
'category'=> $this->category,
session()->flash('message', "Bravo ! L'article a été mis à jour.");
// $this->resetInputFields();//user may like to keep the input fields stable
and views are these:
<div class="container m-auto w-10/12">
<div x-data="{ mode: 'list' }">
@if (session()->has('message'))
<div class="bg-green-200 p-4 w-full my-8 text-xl text-orange-500">
{{ session('message') }}
<div x-on:notify.window="mode = 'update'">
<div x-show="mode==='update'">
<div x-show="mode === 'edit'">
{{-- <div x-show="mode === 'list'" class="">--}}
<button x-on:click="mode = 'edit'" class="bg-red-400 px-2 py-1 border rounded-lg mt-2">Nouvel
<table class=" bg-green-400 w-full table table-bordered mt-5 ">
<tr class="bg-red-50 mb-2">
<th width="150px">Action</th>
@for ($i = 0; $i < $posts['per_page']; $i++)
<tr class="bg-red-400 mb-2 p-2 space-y-2 border-8 border-red-50 ">
<td>{{ $posts['data'][$i]['id'] }}</td>
<td>{{ $posts['data'][$i]['title'] }}</td>
<td>{{--les actions--}}
<button wire:click="edit({{ $posts['data'][$i]['id'] }})"
class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">Edit</button>
{{-- <button wire:click="delete({{ $post->id }})"
class="btn btn-danger btn-sm">Delete</button>--}}
<div class="flex flex-row mt-2">
@for ($i = 0; $i < count($links); $i++)
<div class="flex p-2 mr-2 border w-max-content">
<a href="{{$links[$i]['url'] }}">{{$links[$i]['label']}}</a>
<div class="container bg-green-500 p-4">
This is the create form
<input type="hidden" name="user_id" wire:model="user_id" >
<div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row" >
<div class=" mt-2 flex flex-col w-max-content">
<label for="category">Catégorie:</label>
<select class="" name="category" id="category" wire:model="category">
<option value="Sans">Sans</option>
<option value="Annoncement">Annonce d'un événement</option>
@error('category') <span class="text-danger">{{ $message }}</span>@enderror
<div class=" mt-2 flex flex-col flex-auto ml-4">
<label for="title">Title:</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="title" id="title" placeholder="Saisissez un titre"
wire:model="title" value="">
@error('title') <span class="text-danger">{{ $message }}</span>@enderror
<div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row" >
<div class=" mt-2 flex flex-col w-max-cbeg_date ">
<label for="beg_date">Date de début</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="beg_date" id="beg_date" wire:model="beg_date">
@error('beg_date') <span class="text-danger">{{ $message }}</span>@enderror
<div class=" mt-2 flex flex-col w-max-cbeg_date ml-4">
<label for="end_date">Datend_date</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="end_date" id="end_date" wire:model="end_date">
@error('end_date') <span class="text-danger">{{ $message }}</span>@enderror
<div class=" mt-2 flex flex-col w-max-cbeg_date ml-4">
<label for="close_dclose">Date limite</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="close_date" id="close_date" wire:model="close_date">
@error('close_date') <span class="text-danger">{{ $message }}</span>@enderror
<div class=" mt-2 flex flex-col w-max-content ml-4">
<label for="receive_registration">Accepte les inscriptions:</label>
<select class="" name="receive_registration" id="receive_registration" wire:model="receive_registration">
<option value="no">Non</option>
<option value="yes">Oui</option>
@error('receive_registration') <span class="text-danger">{{ $message }}</span>@enderror
<div class=" mt-2 flex flex-col flex-auto ml-4">
<label for="title">Dossier du diaporama</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="diaporama_dir" id="diaporama_dir" placeholder="ex: admin/1"
@error('diaporama_dir') <span class="text-danger">{{ $message }}</span>@enderror
<div class="mt-2 flex flex-col">
<label for="abstract">Résumé</label>
<textarea class="form-control" name="abstract" id="abstract" wire:model="abstract"
placeholder="Saisissez votre article"></textarea>
@error('abstract') <span class="text-danger">{{ $message }}</span>@enderror
<div class="mt-2 flex flex-col">
<label for="body">Corps de l'article</label>
<textarea class="form-control" name="body" id="body" wire:model="body" rows=30
placeholder="Saisissez votre article"></textarea>
@error('body') <span class="text-danger">{{ $message }}</span>@enderror
<button wire:click.prevent="store()" class="bg-red-400 px-2 py-1 border rounded-lg mt-2">Enregistrer</button>
<button wire:click.prevent="resetInputFields()" class="bg-red-400 px-2 py-1 border rounded-lg mt-2">Effacer tout</button>
<button @click.prevent="mode = 'list'" class="bg-red-400 px-2 py-1 border rounded-lg mt-2 ml-16">Retour à la liste</button>
The update include is exactly the same as the create include except an additional hidden field for the post id.
At startup, I mean when I visit the localhost:8000/posts page, the page 1 is correctly displayed and the links at the bottom of the page are like localhost:8000/posts?page=3 whichever the number of the page may be.
From this page I can normally go to another page using the bottom links, and this several times.
The troube arises when I click a link to edit a post. The post is correctly sent back by the server but instantly we are switched to page 1 of the paginated posts and the bottom links take a strange form such as localhost:8000/livewire/message/posts.posts?page=3 wichever the page number may be.
The trouble arises also when, after having displayed the create form, I type a first char in the fields. In fact it seems that it arises each time a sync is required.
How can I fix this?
<div class="flex flex-row mt-2">
@for ($i = 0; $i < count($links); $i++)
<div class="flex p-2 mr-2 border w-max-content">
<a href="{{$links[$i]['url'] }}">{{$links[$i]['label']}}</a>
<div class="flex flex-row mt-2">
{{ $posts->links() }}
and in component
use WithPagination;