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Git Filter Branch Multiple File Rewrite

I have several files that are too big to commit to github and now I am forced to rewrite the history using git filter branch.

I have about 4 files that are above 100MB csv files that I would prefer to just remove from the history. I have files name: story_a002.csv, input_0019.csv, charlet.csv and model_892.csv

I know I am able to use this command below but I must use it one at a time. Once the rewrite is complete I have to push the changes; unfortunately, because I have to rewrite all of them first othewise I will get a File Too Large github issue.

git filter-branch -f --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch <filename>

Is there a way to chain this so I can rewrite once and do a single push?


  • First, You might consider the new git filter-repo, which will replace the old git filter-branch or BFG.

    It has many usage examples, including path-based filtering:

    To keep all files except these paths, just add --invert-paths:

    git filter-repo --path aFileToRemove --invert-paths

    Try it with multiple path (to remove all your files in one command), and then force push.