To elaborate,
Project Structure
-- scripts [d]
-- script1 [d]
-- script1 [f]
-- script2 [d]
-- script2 [f]
-- README [f]
-- executable [f]
Main Idea: I want to be able to run say function1 located in script1 as long as I am in current-working-directory or any subfolders.
I had multiple goes at this:
IDEA#1 .bashrc
function cd {
builtin cd $@
local dir
if [ -d "bpm_modules" ]; then
for dir in $(ls bpm_modules);do
. "$PWD/bpm_modules/$dir/$dir"
wrapper around cd command
Caveat: since I source the files, once i leave the directory I still have access.
IDEA#2 .bashrc
function require {
# You Have Gone Too Far
[ "$1" == "$HOME" ] && return 1
# Assign Parameters Accordingly
[ $# -eq 1 ] && local CWD="$PWD" && local QUERY="$1"
[ $# -eq 2 ] && local CWD="$1" && local QUERY="$2"
# Error Handling
function trapper {
local BOO=$1
local QUERY=$2
NOT_FOUND="$(tput setaf 1)[DEPENDENCY]: $(tput sgr0)missing '$QUERY'"
[[ $BOO -eq 1 ]] && echo "$NOT_FOUND"
# If In BCS Initialized Project
if [ -d "$CWD/.bpm" ]; then
# Check For Module
for DIR in $( ls $CWD/bpm_modules); do
[ "$DIR" == "$QUERY" ] && FOUND_MODULE=0 && source $CWD/bpm_modules/$DIR/$DIR
trap "trapper $FOUND_MODULE $QUERY" $?
# Else Go Up A Directory Recursively
CWD_UP1=$(cd $CWD && cd .. && pwd)
require $CWD_UP1 $QUERY
require would be used inside of say the executable
from the project-directory graph above, followed by the script/folder name like so require script1
, sourcing the file and allowing me to use functions inside executable
PS: I got 2 weeks of bash experience so..., id appreciate any recommandations or harsh truths.
PS1: 'bash puns amirite',this is used for a bash-package-manager im currently working on.
Let's say I am running a script called
. If I want to implement your require function, that will source the script given in argument if that this script is located in a directory $my_dir
, and crash otherwise, you can do:
require() {
if realpath --relative-to="$my_dir" "$1" | fgrep ../; then
echo Script "$1" is not located in directory "$my_dir", exiting. >&2
exit 1
source $1
Please note that this would fail if a directory in the path returned by realpath
ends with ..
. I think this is a reasonable limitation, but just so you know, in order to fix that, you could replace fgrep ../
by grep '\(^\.\./\)\|/\.\./'