I want to manipulate an SVG object with blazor, is it possible to do this via C# client side, or do I need to use javascript. For example, draw a line programatically based on clicks in the SVG area. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. I found a lot on adding SVG component, but nothing on adding elements to the already existing svg component
You can use SVG file contents as the markup in a Blazor component, and then do any of the Blazor-y things you'd normally do.
Put a variable in the svg markup, and build it as a string.
Here's a highly-simplified excerpt: (MySvgComponent.blazor)
<svg blah blah blah>
<polyline fill="none" stroke="#0074d9"
stroke-width="2" points="@PointString" />
@code {
public string @PointString {get;set;}
public void AddPoint (int X, int Y){
@PointString += " " + X + "," + Y;
You'll have to add your own code to figure out where you want to add the points. You could make a List<Point> parameter to pass in from a parent or something, and then call AddPoint in a foreach loop in OnInitialized(). You could also very easily replace the stroke color or anything else by replacing literals like "0074d9" with variables "@myColorString."
Handling mouse-click locations will require some fancy JS work. Try using Javascript Interop with something like the following: How to get the click coordinates relative to SVG element holding the onclick listener?