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Split date range into new records in Snowflake View

I have a table that consists of start and end dates and I need to need split records into day-wise and this needs to go in a View.

| PersonID  | CompanyID    | Start_DT    | End_DT    |
| A12       | abc          | 05-01-2020  | 05-03-2020|
| B23       | def          | 06-08-2020  | 06-14-2020|

| PersonID  | CompanyID    | New_DT      |
| A12       | abc          | 05-01-2020  | ==> A12 Start Date is 05-01-2020 and End Date is 05-03-2020. So there are 3 records generated in New_DT
| A12       | abc          | 05-02-2020  | 
| A12       | abc          | 05-03-2020  | 
| B23       | def          | 06-08-2020  | 
| B23       | def          | 06-09-2020  | 
| B23       | def          | 06-10-2020  | 
| B23       | def          | 06-11-2020  | 
| B23       | def          | 06-12-2020  | 
| B23       | def          | 06-13-2020  | 
| B23       | def          | 06-14-2020  |   

How can I achieve this in View?


  • You can use a recursive CTE:

    with cte as (
          select PersonID, CompanyID, Start_DT as new_dt, End_DT  
          from t
          union all
          select PersonID, CompanyID, dateadd(day, 1, new_dt), End_DT  
          from cte
          where new_dt < end_dt
    select PersonID, CompanyID, new_dt
    from cte
    option (maxrecursion 0);

    If you have a period of more than 100 days, then you need to add option (maxrecursion 0).

    Here is a db<>fiddle.