I'm stuck on trying to write this query, I think my brain is just a little fried tonight. I have this table that stores whenever a person executes an action (Clocking In, Clocking Out, Going on Lunch, Returning from Lunch) and I need to return a list of all the primary ID's for the people who's last action is not clock_out - but the problem is it needs to be a somewhat fast query.
Table Structure:
ID | person_id | status | datetime | shift_type
ID = Primary Key for this table
person_id = The ID I want to return if their status does not equal clock_out
status = clock_in, lunch_start, lunch_end, break_start, break_end, clock_out
datetime = The time the record was added
shift_type = Not Important
The way I was executing this query before was finding people who are still clocked in during a specific time period, however I need this query to locate at any point. The queries I am trying are taking the thousands and thousands of records and making it way too slow.
After looking through it further, this was my solution -
SELECT `status`,`person_id` FROM `timeclock` ORDER BY `datetime` DESC
) AS tmp_table GROUP BY `person_id`
This works because it is grouping all of the same person ID's together, and then ordering them by the datetime and selecting the most recent.