I have this df
Genero Frustrado No frustrado
<chr> <int> <int>
Hombre 138 9
Mujer 145 12
And I need to turn it into a contingency table like this:
Genero Si No
Hombre 138 9
Mujer 145 12
How can I do it with a simple code chunk? (I need to replicate this many times and I would prefer not to write vectors every time)
Maybe you can try the code below
list(Genero = df$Genero, Frustrado = c("si", "No"))
which gives
Genero si No
Hombre 138 9
Mujer 145 12
> dput(df)
structure(list(Genero = c("Hombre", "Mujer"), Frustrado = c(138L,
145L), `No frustrado` = c(9L, 12L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,