mailerLite is a SaaS that manages contacts and sends email. I am trying to use their API to add content to my account.
Their API is built on HTTP and it is RESTful. According to their documentation here, I can see how I have segmented my list. There is a PHP and cURL example:
curl -v
-H "X-MailerLite-ApiKey: my-api-key"
This works successfully from the Terminal prompt on my Mac. Now I wish to do the same thing from R.
I tried this:
apiKey <- "my-api-key"
result <- GET("", add_headers(Authorization = paste("X-MailerLite-ApiKey", apiKey)))
# Status 401: Unauthorized
Also, I am confused about the differences between the R packages: RCurl, httr, curl, and crul.
Perhaps try
GET("", add_headers(`X-MailerLite-ApiKey` = apiKey))