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How to unzip unzip multipar/form-data in Erlang?

I have a Erlang application and I need to read a zip file pass in a POST request. At the moment I'm use this solution but return an error.

FileUnziped = zip:unzip(Payload),

I pass in a body of a post request like this image

postman request

And the error is:


Is there any solution for this problem?


  • Looks like the Payload/*.zip data/file what you try unzip is damaged or improperly packed, see logic in zip.erl. Here is example:

    1> {ok, Data} = file:read_file("").
    2> zip:unzip(Data).                                   
    3> zip:unzip(<<Data/binary, "break archive">>).    

    Make sure that in Payload provided correct data.