I'm currently making a data table with Laravel Livewire and I use AlphineJS for the confirmation modal. Everything works fine until I paginate to the next page of the data. So here HTML for my delete button for each row :
<a class="mx-1 text-lg" role="button" x-on:click.prevent="onDelete({{ $article->id }})">
<i class="fas fa-trash"></i>
<p x-text="{{ $article->id }}"></p>
Here s function for onDelete
this.confirmationModal = true;
this.id = id;
This is what happens when I try to delete article with an ID of 36, it will console.log the id of the article which is 36
Then I navigate to the next page and try to delete the article with an ID of 46 but the console.log remains 36, I was expecting 46
How to solve this problem?
Change x-on:click to wire:click
<a class="mx-1 text-lg" role="button" wire:click="$emit('onTrashIcon',{{ $article->id }})">
<i class=" fas fa-trash"></i>
and add listener function x-data + don't forget to x-init="listen()"
listen() {
window.livewire.on('onTrashIcon', articleId => {
this.id = articleId;
this.confirmationModal = true;