I am trying to integrate test rail with cypress to auto update the Test Case status. I followed the steps as mentioned: https://www.npmjs.com/package/cypress-testrail-reporter
But I see the following error in cypress run:
EPROTO 140623370270312:error:100000f0:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL:../../third_party/boringssl/src/ssl/handshake_client.cc:581:
Is this because the Test Rail set up done in domain?
Please add the following configurations in cypress.json
"reporter": "cypress-testrail-reporter",
"reporterOptions": {
"domain": "yourdomain.testrail.com", without https e.g (test.testrail.com)
"username": "username", , Add user name
"password": "password", , Add password-Api key is recommend
"projectId": 1,
"suiteId": 1,
Do let me know if you face any issues..
2nd option we can go with testrail Api directly and we can do the same thing without npm package will explain if the above solution is not working for you.