I'm building an app using ReactJS in the front-end and back-end as AWS API Gateway/AWS Lambda written in NodeJS. I'm passing the form data of my React app in the attribute called userAttributes like below:
I want to read this data in the backend logic. As per the Cloud Watch logs of Lambda, I'm getting the form data in the Lambda event as:-
body: '------WebKitFormBoundarytTytoOIkcO2\r\n' +
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userAttributes"\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'[object Object]\r\n' +
isBase64Encoded: false
Here [object Object] is my Form data. How can parse and read this form data value? I can read my other query string parameters (event.queryStringParameters.<attributes>) but not sure how to read the form data.
Use https://www.npmjs.com/package/parse-multipart on your lambda and you can parse the data...
But first
Set the media type in you api gateway as multipart/form-data
When you added your lambda to the api gateway method please be sure if you check "proxy" because you need that to manage the data from the frontend as multipar/form-data