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How to read form data in the AWS Lambda written in NodeJs?

I'm building an app using ReactJS in the front-end and back-end as AWS API Gateway/AWS Lambda written in NodeJS. I'm passing the form data of my React app in the attribute called userAttributes like below:

enter image description here

I want to read this data in the backend logic. As per the Cloud Watch logs of Lambda, I'm getting the form data in the Lambda event as:-

  body: '------WebKitFormBoundarytTytoOIkcO2\r\n' +
    'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userAttributes"\r\n' +
    '\r\n' +
    '[object Object]\r\n' +
  isBase64Encoded: false

Here [object Object] is my Form data. How can parse and read this form data value? I can read my other query string parameters (event.queryStringParameters.<attributes>) but not sure how to read the form data.


  • Use on your lambda and you can parse the data...

    But first

    • Set the media type in you api gateway as multipart/form-data

    • When you added your lambda to the api gateway method please be sure if you check "proxy" because you need that to manage the data from the frontend as multipar/form-data