const getColumnsBySection = R.pipe(
R.filter(c => c.section != null),
R.groupBy(c => c.section)
When using point free with RamdaJs as in this function. I get typescript errors
Type 'Dictionary<unknown>' is missing the following properties from type 'readonly unknown[]': length, concat, join, slice, and 18 more.
TS2339: Property 'section' does not exist on type 'unknown'
How are you suppose to use point free functions without getting typescript errors like these?
You can either cast the function to the types you expect, or you can lean more on the ramda library with a construction like this instead:
const { anyPass, complement, pipe, propSatisfies, filter, groupBy, prop, isNil, isEmpty } = R
const isBlank = anyPass([isNil, isEmpty]);
const isPresent = complement(isBlank);
const getColumnsBySection = pipe(
filter(propSatisfies(isPresent, 'section')),
const samples = [
{section: 'trees', name: 'birch'},
{section: 'vines', name: 'grape'},
{section: 'trees', name: 'cedar'},
{section: 'vines', name: 'ivy'},
const results = getColumnsBySection(samples);
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