I am using geopy package to get the location geocode but always run to the HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
Below is my code, which follows the official document https://geopy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/:
from geopy.geocoders import ArcGIS
geolocator = ArcGIS(scheme="http")
loc_home = geolocator.geocode("175 5th Avenue NYC")
Below is the error:
geopy.exc.GeocoderQueryError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
Please help and thanks in advance!
You'll need to use https
scheme, I guess the http
is blocked by ArcGIS.
from geopy.geocoders import ArcGIS
geolocator = ArcGIS(scheme="https")
geolocator.geocode("175 5th Avenue NYC")
#Location(175 5th Ave, New York, 10010, (40.741110006692395, -73.98968797828522, 0.0))