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SwiftUI ForEach's onMove() modifier stop working if the content view has tap gesture action

I want to make a list view which contents could be dragged for reordering and tapped for detail. But when I add the onTapGesture() action in the content view, the onMove() action stop working.

Example code:

import SwiftUI

struct TestTapAndMove: View {
    @State private var users = ["Paul", "Taylor", "Adele"]

    var body: some View {
            List {
                ForEach(users, id: \.self) { user in
                    VStack {
                        Text("user: \(user)").font(.headline)

                    // The TapGesture will result in onMove action not working.
                    .onTapGesture(perform: {
                .onMove(perform: move)

    func move(from source: IndexSet, to destination: Int) {
        users.move(fromOffsets: source, toOffset: destination)

Is there any solution that could make the tap and move action work together?


  • As workaround you can make some specific part of row clickable, like text in below example (or some added custom shape or plain button)

    VStack {
        Text("user: \(user)").font(.headline)
          .onTapGesture(perform: {

    Alternate: you can add helper custom view as row overlay which would handle tap/mouseDown action for view (and does not break drug)

    class TapHandlerView: NSView {
        override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
            super.mouseDown(with: event)   // keep this to allow drug !!
    struct TapHandler: NSViewRepresentable {
        func makeNSView(context: Context) -> TapHandlerView {
        func updateNSView(_ nsView: TapHandlerView, context: Context) {

    and use it

    VStack {
        Text("user: \(user)").font(.headline)
    .overlay(TapHandler())         // << here !!

    Tested with Xcode 12.0 / macOS 10.15.6