I had this assignment at school, wherein I had to find the output of the following C code, and also, to explain the output.
int i;
void fun1(void);
void fun2(void);
int main()
return 0;
void fun1(){
void fun2(){
int i=50;
The output is 20 50 Because in fun1() the Global Variable 'i' is assigned to 20 and printed. And in fun2() the variable 'i' is a Local Variable, which is declared and initialized to 50, which is then printed.
I have this following question out of curiosity, how do I use the global variable 'i', in fun2()? A simple solution would be to simply change the name and avoid the whole thing. But my curiosity is due to Java, where there is a keyword "this" to access class variable instead of a local variable.
so is there any way to do that in C?
You could cheat and create a pointer to the global i
before declaring the local i
void fun2( void )
int *ip = &i; // get address of global i
int i = 50; // local i ”shadows" global i
printf( "local i = %d, global i = %d\n", i, *ip );
Seeing as this answer got accepted, I must emphasize that you should never write code like this. This is a band-aid around poor programming practice.
Avoid globals where possible, and where not possible use a naming convention that clearly marks them as global and is unlikely to be shadowed (such as prefixing with a g_
or something similar).
I can't tell you how many hours I've wasted chasing down issues that were due to a naming collision like this.