After spend 6 hours trying different approaches to my problem, I always get the same error and can't figure out why.
The problem is simple to understand: I have 10 users saved in Appcelerator Titanium ACS and I want to create 10 records, one for each user.
The stuff must be easy: all users have the same pass, so I only need to login with each one, create the object as the user and, thats all!! (In ACS, the objects are owned (and have user_id assigned automatically) by the user who creates them).
To manage async, I use functions with callback to wait till the end.
var Cloud = require('');
function createObject(value, onComplete) {
classname: 'MyObj',
session_id: Cloud.sessionId,
fields: {
value: value
}, function(data) {
if (data.success) {'New value: user [' + data.Scores[0].user_id + '] - value: ' + data.Scores[0].value);
} else {'Error: ' + data.message);
function login(user, onComplete) {
login: user.username,
password: '1234'
}, function(e) {
if (e.success) {
createObject(20, function(cb) {
} else {
Ti.API.warn('Error login user: ' + e.message);
// Get target users
response_json_depth: 1
}, function(data) {
if (data.success) {
_.each(data.users, function(user) {
login(user, function(cb) {
Ti.API.warn("user: " + user.username);
Well, my results are always the same:
Ti.API.warn('user: ' + user.username);
shows the right users name (one by one), but'New value: user [' + data.Scores[0].user_id + '] - value: ' + data.Scores[0].value);
shows always the same user, meaning that all the values are saved for the same user (checked in DB, are all the same user), instead of 1 value per user.
I also tried to use async in the _.each command, but with the same results.
Where is the problem? I think I'm waiting in _.each user for the login, and the login must wait to finish the createObject, but seems I'm doing something wrong.
And here the exit. No sense for me...:
New value: user [54cb62cf18beba0935422a35] - value: 20
user: krusty
New value: user [54cb62cf18beba0935422a35] - value: 20
user: apu
New value: user [54cb62cf18beba0935422a35] - value: 20
user: ned
Note: the user_id saved for all calls correspond to user NED (the last)
It was a bug in ACS. Anyway, it doesn't matters currently, because was fixed 5 years ago.