I am trying to toggle the visibility of an span element using v-if within a child component. I am basically trying to use the @click toggle (Vuetify) with $refs. Not very savvy with code, but my research has not yielded a solution.
label="hide manufacturer"
<child-component ref="childComponent" />
components: {
<span v-if="spanManf">Name to Hide</span>
data() {
return {
spanManf: true
methods: {
hideManf () {
this.spanManf = !this.spanManf;
You should use props in your child component, and pass the data from the parent something like this.
<span v-if="visible">Name to Hide</span>
props: {
visible: { type: Boolean, required: true }
And then in your parent
<child-compoent :visible="spanManf" />
<v-switch label="hide manufacturer" @click="spanManf = !spanManf" />
data() {
return {
spanManf: true,