I'm writing for my package on CRAN, on the way to optimize the speed.
I've seen one main problem, which is that the "base" (stats actually) methods for time series are quite slow, especially when you work with same tsp.
a <- ts(rnorm(480),start=2010,freq=12)
b <- ts(rnorm(480),start=2010,freq=12)
ts_fastop <- function(x,y,FUN) {
FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
tspx <- tsp(x)
if (any(abs(tspx - tsp(y)) > getOption("ts.eps"))) stop("This method is only made for similar tsp", call. = FALSE)
ts(FUN(as.numeric(x),as.numeric(y)),start=tspx[1L],frequency = tspx[3L])
# [1] TRUE
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# ts_fastop(a, b, `+`) 13.7 15.3 24.1260 17.4 18.9 6666.4 1000
# a + b 364.5 372.5 385.7744 375.6 380.4 7218.4 1000
I think that 380 microseconds, for a simple +
on a few vars, is way too much.
However, as I was shortcuting these methods, I wonder what's the best practices :
)So what is anything advised regarding that ?
Define a subclass of ts
in which case both can coexist. This should work for constructing fast_ts
objects from ts
objects, plain vectors, zoo
and xts
objects and others for which an as.ts
method exists.
as.fast_ts <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.fast_ts")
as.fast_ts.fast_ts <- identity
as.fact_ts.default <- function(x, ...) structure(as.ts(x, ...),
class = c("fast_ts", "ts"))
Ops.fast_ts <- function(e1, e2) {
result <- match.fun(.Generic)(c(e1), c(e2))
structure(result, tsp = tsp(e1), class = c("fast_ts", "ts"))
# test
a <- ts(rnorm(480),start=2010,freq=12)
b <- ts(rnorm(480),start=2010,freq=12)
af <- as.fast_ts(a)
bf <- as.fast_ts(b)
microbenchmark(a+b, af+bf)