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Razorpay integration error (not enough arguments in call to client.Order.Create)

Tried to implement, based on the official documentation in razorpay site Code :

 11 func indexpageGet(c *gin.Context) {
 13         client := razorpay.NewClient("rzp_test_zlsYshjhjhjln", "9LtUy4qhghghgh2asp59es")
 15         data := map[string]interface{}{
 16                 "amount":          1234,
 17                 "currency":        "INR",
 18                 "receipt_id":      "some_receipt_id",
 19         }
 20         body, err := client.Order.Create(data)
 21         if err != nil {
 22                 fmt.Println(err)
 23         }
 25         fmt.Println(body)

Compile Error:

./main.go:20:34: not enough arguments in call to client.Order.Create
        have (map[string]interface {})
        want (map[string]interface {}, map[string]string)

My Observation: function client.Order.Create(data) required two arguments I confirmed it from razorpay library (see the function definition part). So the solution is I need to pass second argument (extraHeaders) too.

// Create creates a new order for the given data
func (order *Order) Create(data map[string]interface{}, extraHeaders map[string]string) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
    return order.Request.Post(constants.ORDER_URL, data, extraHeaders)

The point I am stuck is what is extraHeaders and what value I need to pass?


  • based on the comments in the Question, Made 2 things to made it work : (Refer the comments in below code )

     11 func indexpageGet(c *gin.Context) {
     13         client := razorpay.NewClient("rzp_test_zlsYsrvuUxxhln", "9LtUy4qpLCOtl4Gz2asp59es")
     15         data := map[string]interface{}{
     16                 "amount":          1234,
     17                 "currency":        "INR",
     18                 "receipt":              "110",
     19                 //"receipt_id":      "some_receipt_id", // 1st Mistake in documentation it should be 'receipt', corrected in above line
     20         }
     22         extraHeader := make(map[string]string) // 2nd Mistake in documentation , corrected by creating an empty map and passed as the second argument in below function.
     23         body, err := client.Order.Create(data,extraHeader)
     24         if err != nil {
     25                 fmt.Println(err)
     26         }
     28         fmt.Println(body)