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SQL query for the store with the minimum price of an item in the city

I have this table


I need to return for each city,itemID the storeID with the minimum price for the item and the minimum price itself ( city,itemID,storeIDmin,minprice).

Can someone help me with this query ?



  • I solved this with Join and Subquery (Also possible to use "WITH AS" Clause if you work on oracle DB):

    SELECT, table1.itemID, table1.storeID as storeIDmin, subquery.min_price 
    FROM table1
    JOIN (select city, itemID, min(price) as min_price from table1 
    group by city,itemID) AS subquery
    ON =
    AND table1.itemID = subqueryitemID
    AND table1.price = 

    the result for example:

    | city | storeID | itemID | price |
    |    1 |       1 |      1 |    70 |
    |    1 |       2 |      1 |    60 |
    |    2 |       1 |      1 |   100 |
    |    2 |       1 |      2 |    90 |
    |    2 |       2 |      1 |    88 |
    |    3 |       1 |      1 |    70 |

    will result:

    | city | itemID | storeMin | price |
    |    2 |      1 |        1 |   88 |
    |    3 |      1 |        1 |    70 |
    |    2 |      2 |        1 |    90 |
    |    1 |      1 |        2 |    60 |