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Generate CSV file with some values quoted and others not

I am new to writing CSV files and have a scenario I can't find answers on. I need to generate a CSV file with no headers where number values are not quoted, strings are quoted. An example would be - 71,72, "initial","2020-10-01".

I used the CSVWriter Constructor of:

CSVWriter(FileWriter(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("mytable.csv").path), ',', '\'', '\"', "\n")

I tried to populate my string values with double quotes as so but this does not work.

val linesForCSVUploadToTable = arrayOf(

The output is:


I have to .toString the ids because the writeAll() and writeNext() functions appear to take a String Array and an array of type ANY isn't accepted.

I want to avoid writing my own custom CSV writer. If I have to then so be it.

I am using OpenCSV 5.2 and writing this in Kotlin. Java also works.

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks


  • You probably should use Apache Commons CSV, which provides the NON_NUMERIC quoting strategy and thus quotes any non-numeric value in your CSV file. Example:

    try (Writer w = ...) {
        CSVFormat outFormat = CSVFormat.newFormat(',')
        CSVPrinter printer = new CSVPrinter(w, outFormat);