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CSS Grid 1 top 3 bottom

im trying to make a photo grid which shows 1 image on top and 3 separate images on the bottom.

enter image description here

Anyone know how?


  • You can read more about CSS GRID on this tutorial.

    You can use a grid generator like this to make it easily.

    Note that I putted a red solid 5px border to each div, so it is more visible.

    You can put your img src="Your url", to show your image

    .grid-container {
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
      grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
      gap: 0px 0px;
        "main-photo main-photo main-photo"
        "main-photo main-photo main-photo"
        "photo1 photo2 photo3";
    border:5px solid red;
    .main-photo { grid-area: main-photo; }
    .photo1 { grid-area: photo1; }
    .photo2 { grid-area: photo2; }
    .photo3 { grid-area: photo3; }
    <div class="grid-container">
      <div class="main-photo"><img src=""></img></div>
      <div class="photo1"><img src=""></img></div>
      <div class="photo2"><img src=""></img></div>
      <div class="photo3"><img src=""></img></div>