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Koa - set timeout on incoming requests

I'm trying to set a timeout for incoming requests using a custom middleware, but no error is thrown, seems that the middleware is not called once setTimeout expires.

Here's the code I'm trying:

app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
        if (!ctx.headersSent) {
            ctx.throw(408, `processing time toke longer than ${config.PROCESSING_TIMEOUT}, request was timedout`);
    }, config.PROCESSING_TIMEOUT);
    await next();


  • Koa (or rather node's http server) has a built-in way to control the timeout of requests.
    A global timeout can be set by setting server's timeout in ms

    server.timeout = config.PROCESSING_TIMEOUT;

    A timeout can be specified in a specific request for Koa as follows
