I have made, build and deployed an AWS Lambda successfully using the AWS SDK for Java. I have tested the Lambda using the AWS console, no problems whatsoever.
Now I wish to invoke the Lambda function whenever someone clicks a button from within my Angular application. My first idea was to simply make an HTTP POST call to the Lambda API endpoint with a body.
See my following Service code:
export class Service{
constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) {}
createContact() {
const header: HttpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
header.append('Accept', 'application/text');
.post(RELAY_URL, test, { headers: header, responseType: "text" })
.subscribe((data) => {
Executing this method will in fact invoke the Lambda method and the lambda will successfully complete. However, my Angular client does not receive a proper response. This is what does happen, however:
I'm at a loss, and hope you can help.
CORS only protects you from reading the response in the browser:
If you fire it from a prompt, you will get a response.
I think you have to apply the domain you are calling from on the serverside (there should be a way to do this for an AWS lambda).
This is just how CORS works.