I am using rails 5 with ruby 2.4 and gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 3.8'
I am using 'devise' gem for the user model the fixture for it is as:
fixture: users.yml
# Read about fixtures at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/FixtureSet.html
first_name: one
last_name: Hotmail
email: vidur.punj@gmail.com
# password: 123greetings
encrypted_password: <%= User.new.send(:password_digest, '123greetings') %>
confirmed_at: <%= DateTime.now %>
created_at: 2018-11-26 14:16:12
updated_at: 2018-11-26 14:16:12
first_name: one
last_name: Gmail
email: vidur.punj@hotmail.com
# password: 123greetings
encrypted_password: <%= User.new.send(:password_digest, '123greetings') %>
confirmed_at: <%= DateTime.now %>
created_at: 2018-11-26 14:16:12
updated_at: 2018-11-26 14:16:12
But I am not able to persist this data into the database via command line. Yes the data get persisted when write
fixtures :users
inside my controller,
But how to persist at boot time of the project string in test mode.
and data should refresh on restarting the server in test mode.
thanks in advance
For database fixtures being available before the application boots, you need to execute this rake task:
RAILS_ENV=test FIXTURES_PATH="spec/fixtures" rails db:fixtures:load