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In kong api gateway, how to make custom url?

So I am creating application using microservice architecture. I have few microservices and I want to configure all in kong with custom routes/url.

For example: I have user service and location service and I want those routes in kong looks like this:

GET http://localhost:8001/service/user/list -->

GET http://localhost:8001/service/location/122332-->

I have searched all over the internet and couldn't find anything. Is this possible to achieve in kong ?



  • I found a solution, Actually this feature is available in kong but their documentation is very poorly explained.

    So basically service is the main url, that's the actual path you want data from, and they have route which get data from actual url:

    End User--->routes (can be multiple) --->Service--->Original Url

    ex: localhost:8080/service1 ---> /service1 --->

    so when you go to localhost:8080/service1 you can see the google page.